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DIY Office Cleaning

Proper office cleaning can do a lot for a business. It has been proven to boost productivity in workers, and can keep them in the office more often, too. While the best way to get an optimal clean is through a professional commercial cleaning company, there are steps you can take to keep your work area sparkling between visits. The two areas you work with the most are probably electronics and furniture.


Your computer is probably more in need of office cleaning than anything else. Think about it: most of us are on them all day. We return to them after restroom breaks, lunches, and interacting with coworkers. Aside from being dusty and dirty, it harbors germs that can potentially spread bacteria that cause infections. Wipe the computer screen down, gently, with a soft microfiber cloth, and blow the keyboard with compressed air. The airflow will release crumbs and other small loose pieces onto the keyboard. For a detailed clean, dip cotton swabs into rubbing alcohol and run along each of the keys. The rubbing alcohol will act as a disinfectant. You can do the same for other electronics you use frequently, like phones, printers, computer towers, and fax machines after dusting them.


Depending on how committed you are to office cleaning, perform a once-a-month thorough clean of your work area surfaces.  Remove everything from desks or work areas, shelves and other table surfaces. Clean the surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner that is preferably environmentally friendly. As you return books and other items to the area, wipe them down to remove dust or dirt. You perform a quick dusting of work surfaces and chairs once a week.

Keeping small items like paper towels and a cloth duster handy can make office cleaning easier. For a more professional, superior clean, enlist the help of Jani-King.

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