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Hit Office Germs the Hardest With These Common Hiding Spaces and How to Clean Them

Office Kitchen

Germs and bacteria thrive in areas that are warm and moist – making the communal office kitchen a hotspot for the spread of viruses. From the shared sponges at the sink to the long forgotten leftovers lingering in the refrigerator, the office kitchen can easily become the epicenter of germs in a workplace. With so many employees using this space through different times of the day, targeting the office kitchen is a great way to get the upper hand in the fight against office illness.


Did you know that an office desk can contain over 400 times the amount of germs as a bathroom toilet? Your computer mouse, keyboard, office phone and other commonly used devices can harbor germs and viruses that collect over time. Keyboards can be especially concentrated for those who commonly eat lunch while working at their desks.


While the door to your office may not seem like a likely spot, take a minute to think about how often a co-worker may come to visit – standing in the doorway, resting against the doorframe, and holding on to a doorknob or handle. The doorframe is where hidden germs are harbored and can be commonly looked over by standard business cleaning upkeep.

Copy Room

Similar to your personal desk space, the devices used in the common areas of your business are just as susceptible to harboring germs and bacteria. Shared office equipment like the copy machine, staplers, or the printer get touched and handled by countless employees throughout the day. Cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing these communal surfaces is a great way to decrease the spread of germs and illness around the office.


Proper hand washing is the key. Restrooms are another area that breed germs, but with proper hand washing and a cleaning program that attacks sinks, faucets, toilets, floors and mirrors, your employees can protect themselves and others from spreading germs.

A University of Arizona study found that just one ill co-worker carrying a virus can spread it to over 50 percent of office surfaces within just four hours. A professional business cleaning service is one of the most effective ways to combat the spread of germs and viruses in your office. A regular business cleaning schedule from a local Jani-King franchise in your area will take the hassle out of office upkeep by keeping your workspace clean and sanitized with 24 hour support and measured inspections. Learn more about the business cleaning services available by contacting a Jani-King near you today!

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