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School Cleaning-Do Your Homework First!

school cleaning homeworkBeing clean and germ-free is the best way to stay healthy. The best way to keep your children germ free is to eliminate the germs in the areas they occupy most often. Jani-King school cleaning services place high importance on keeping your child’s school clean and germ free and they offer 24-hour operations support and inspections for all schools.

Your school cleaning team needs to do their homework to determine what areas are most often touched. These areas may differ depending on the type of school, after determining which areas need the most thorough cleaning use the best methods possible to clean them. Schools of different levels need to be cleaned according to their occupants, an elementary school will have different cleaning standards than a high school or college will, so be sure to provide yourself with ample knowledge before beginning your school cleaning.

Schools can be cesspool for bacteria, germs, and viruses if not properly maintained. Jani-King school cleaning crews take pride in keeping children healthy and in school. The best defense against the influenza virus is properly disinfecting and sanitizing areas that are handled most often. There is a difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing. Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, bacteria, and other harmful microbes, from surfaces or objects using soap and water and often a cloth. Disinfecting means destroying germs on surfaces by use of chemicals and sanitizing refers to lowering the number of germs to a safe level.

Areas that are obviously soiled should be cleaned as quickly as possible. If it looks like someone didn’t make it to the restroom in time, be sure to use standard precautions for body fluids. Before you start cleaning at a school, be sure to research any chemicals or cleansers you might use! Are they safe around children? Are they the right products to use for the task you have to accomplish? Will they kill the correct germs? Good cleaning is all about attention to detail, and Jani-King has been an industry leader for over 40 years.

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