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Simple Restaurant Cleaning Guidelines

Jani-King Restaurant Cleaning

In this economy, people are looking to cut costs anywhere they can. A common lifestyle elimination? Eating out. Restaurants who have suffered losses in the economic downturn want to do everything they can to keep customers coming in. competition is fierce to gain the business of those who haven’t abandoned enjoying meals out. These customers base their decisions on a number of factors. Perhaps the restaurant was recommended to them, or they read a positive review. Or maybe it just looked good from the outside. The way a restaurant looks will determine whether new customers will visit it or not, and restaurant cleaning plays a key role in its appearance.

Not only does a tidy restaurant look great, but it prevents the establishment from getting fines, or worse, getting shut down due to health concerns. The best way to keep a restaurant in top shape is to use regular professional restaurant cleaning services; however, there are also daily tasks managers should delegate to employees.

In the Kitchen
Though the kitchen is an area rarely seen by customers, it’s the most crucial for thorough restaurant cleaning. A sanitized kitchen will lower food-related illnesses and potential legal problems for owners. Be sure that employees sanitize and clean every area of the kitchen, including floors, walls and counter tops. Use a disinfectant to remove grease and spills. Don’t forget dishes, and kitchen appliances in cleaning routine as well.

The Dining Room
Make it sparkle. Show it off. This is where the first impression will be made. Even a dirty hostess stand will lead customers to believe the rest of the place is dirty too—including the food. Tables should be bussed immediately, and wiped down thoroughly. Vacuum or mop daily, and clean both inside and outside windows and doors.

Using an unsanitary, messy bathroom will stay with a customer forever. Clean stalls, floors, toilets and sinks, and make sure it is stocked at all times. Following a basic cleaning schedule in between professional visits can keep dining establishments safe and well thought-of. For an expert touch, Jani-King restaurant cleaning crews use specialized equipment and procedures to keep eateries looking their very best.

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