Jani-King Sandbox

Ottawa’s Regional Office Team Breaks for Cuba

header-image-template-full-widthThe Ottawa office has been a long-time believer in setting challenging goals for themselves and supporting our team members in achieving them. As a team, they set several progressive goals related to growth and customer satisfaction over the course of 5 years with the final goal being achieved in 2016. As a reward, the regional office staff enjoyed a team building vacation in Cuba for four days in February.

The time away from the office was spent completing formal and informal team building activities, holding standard weekly meetings (except on a beach), and getting to know each other outside of work. As a team, they also looked to the future, setting new goals and brainstorming ideas to help keep Jani-King at the leading edge of the janitorial world.

All of the office staff have now returned to Ottawa with team spirit at an all-time high, and a slight distaste for the winter weather. Regardless, they are all ready to continue keeping it clean in the nation’s capital.

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