Jani-King Sandbox

5 things you never have to think about again when you outsource your commercial cleaning

Smart phone, coffee, pen and notepad with text " to do list", retro style

Cleaning a commercial facility involves a lot of thinking – thinking power that could better be used towards your core business. Here are just a few of things that can ease your mind when outsourcing commercial cleaning, and let you get back to what you are supposed to be doing.

  1. “When was this bathroom cleaned last”? A scary thought indeed! When you outsource you can rest easy that your facility will be cleaned with a customized schedule that you decide on. Now get that scary thought out of your head!
  2. WHIMIS – Ahh, WHIMIS… so important, yet so dull if it doesn’t relate directly to your work. You can take WHIMIS training off your plate when you outsource your cleaning, and our professionals will take that test for you.
  3. What chemical cleans what? Ever been cleaning something and wonder “am I cleaning this, or damaging it?”. Stop those thoughts entirely when you outsource. Our cleaning professionals know what products work best for every surface.
  4. Proper Chemical Dilution – Proper dilution of your cleaning products is crucial to getting the perfect clean. Stop wondering if you added too little or too much to the bottle and let us take care of that for you!
  5. Is this equipment even doings its job anymore? Worrying about having the right equipment, let alone maintaining it can be a weight on your shoulders. Let our professionals pick the right equipment for your job, and they will maintain, and know when it is time for a replacement – a weight off your shoulders.


Cross these things off your to-do list and request a quote today!

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