Jani-King Sandbox

Halloween Pranks Left You With a Mess?

Uh oh, you’ve been pranked. An errand egg, or roll of TP struck your business this Halloween. Alas, the night of ghosts and goblins has passed, but let’s not let the mess remain.

The two most classic Halloween ‘pranks’ can leave a long lasting mess if they aren’t dealt with properly.

Egg: You came into work this morning to find egg on your sign, building, car, or wherever the culprits chose to strike.

First things first – clean it up as fast as possible! Egg dries and becomes hard to remove relatively quickly. Not only that, the yolk can leave stains if it sits too long. If the drying process has already begun, then mix water and gentle soap or cleaning detergent. Begin by getting the dried egg as wet as possible and use a soft scrub brush or cleaning cloth to remove the mess. This may require some scrubbing. You may need to soak the remaining spot if a stain has set in. Leave the cleaning solution on the stained area and gently scrub some more.

Toilet paper: Your trees look great this time of year with all of the fall colours, but white isn’t one of them.

If it hasn’t rained on it yet, act fast and remove the TP, wet toilet paper is a real devil to remove. If it has rained then wait until the sun dries out the paper. Grab a rake, leave blower, extension tool and whatever it takes to shake the paper from the tree. Then use the rake to gather of the fallen pieces.


If the mess is out of control, consider contacting a professional to help with the pranks aftermath.

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