Jani-King Sandbox

Your Bathroom’s Dirty Little Secrets

When it comes to public and workplace washrooms, there are lots of rules being broken that you wouldn’t stand for in your own home.  Due to the habits of some, and general nature of what happens in washrooms, germs, grime, and odour can build up.  Here are some common germ hiding spots that should be regularly cleaned, and also receive some special attention through deep cleaning procedures at regular intervals.

The toilet and/or urinal:

Let’s just come out with it – sometimes there is spray or dribbles, an errant wipe, and unwashed hands pressing the flush and opening the door.  The germs that fine mist, dribble or dirty hands leave can be wiped away regularly, but inevitably there is build up over time. This can create a noticeable odour of urine in your washroom, and germ hotspots. To keep this from happening make sure your cleaners are thoroughly mopping around the base of your toilets, disinfecting the toilet sides, seat and handle, and disinfecting the door handle or latch.  If you have already noticed that an odour is present, there are special cleaners that can neutralize the odour created by urine and get your bathroom back to smelling fresh.

Sink Faucets:

These are a germ haven, with lots of moisture around and constant touching, germs can thrive on faucets taps.  Ensure your cleaners are being diligent when disinfecting and wiping down the handles and faucets, and keeping the sink area free of debris and water spots.

The Door Handle:

Face it – not everyone is doing a stand up job at washing his or her hands.  That door handle should be disinfected as diligently as the toilet flush – enough said.

When it comes to keeping your bathroom as healthy, clean and fresh as possible for visitors and staff, it all comes down to a good strategy for daily cleaning, and regular deep cleans to wipe out any germ hot spots that could be thriving.

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