Jani-King Sandbox

Jani-King provides restaurant cleaning services to Rae & Jerry’s, a Winnipeg landmark.

Jani-King Restaurant Cleaning Services

Jani-King of Manitoba is proud to provide restaurant cleaning services to Rae & Jerry’s – a Winnipeg landmark since 1939.

Rae & Jerry’s, named after founders John Rae and Jerry Hemsworth, opened in 1939. It stands as the remarkable epitome of North American mid-century, modernist high-end restaurant design. From its simple and spare white-painted brick exterior to the warm and inviting dining room, the eatery exists as something like a time-capsule: the apotheosis of a classic 1950s steakhouse. When it first opened the restaurant provided Winnipeggers a sense of the kind of stylish, sophisticated spaces previously only seen in films or on vacation in New York or Southern California.

” Serving as a beacon for meat lovers for the past five decades, Rae & Jerry’s is a tried-and-true favourite for its long-time customers, who come for choice cuts of T-bones, New York sirloins, filet mignon and prime rib. The Winnipeg steak house grills and roasts meat to melt-in-your-mouth perfection and serves uncomplicated, but well-prepared vegetables on simply presented plates.

 The past meets the present inside this 390-seat dining room and lounge where dark wood panelling, red vinyl booths and dim, yellow-hued lighting set the retro scene. While most of its contemporaries have vaulted culinary chemistry and frou-frou plating to a precision sport, Rae & Jerry’s bucks that trend, by not following the trends. At the table, there are no big surprises. Eating at Rae & Jerry’s is like being wrapped in grandma’s quilt. It’s familiar and comforting. And in this case, there’s a good chance your grandmother ate the same meal here too.

 The man behind Rae & Jerry’s vision is Steve Hrousalas, the restaurant’s owner since 1975.” – excerpt from Ciao Magazine’s review of Rae & Jerry’s.

 Jani-King of Manitoba provides restaurant cleaning services to many restaurants in Winnipeg. A few of our clients include; Rae & Jerry’s, 529 Wellington, Manitoba Club, Earls (3 locations), Peasant Cookery, Tony Roma’s (3 locations), Pizzeria Gusto,  Boston Pizza (15 locations), Santa Lucia, One Great City, and the Shark Club.

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