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How to tell if your cleaning products are environmentally friendly

We’re bombarded everyday by products claiming to be environmentally friendly, made from sustainable sources, and leaving minimal impact on the earth. How do you go about sorting through all the claims to uncover the truth?

How to choose Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products | Jani-King

In Canada, it’s pretty simple. Watch for the EcoLogo certification (also known as Environmental Choice) to help you identify products and services that have been independently certified to meet strict environmental standards that reflect their entire life cycle – everything from manufacturing to disposal.

EcoLogo standards are designed so that only the top 20% of products available on the market can achieve certification. You can find more information about the process on the Underwriters Laboratories website.

In addition to cleaning products, there are many other ways to identify if products and equipment being used to maintain a clean facility are environmentally friendly. Choosing high efficiency equipment like vacuum cleaners and carpet extractors, microfibers cleaning systems, automatic dilution systems and pressure washers are all examples of tools that help reduce your impact on the environment. Don’t forget about consumable products. Things like paper products and garbage bag made from recycled materials all contribute to a greener office.

Curious if your cleaning products are environmentally friendly? Jani-King can help you implement a sustainable cleaning program for your building.

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