Jani-King Sandbox

5 Reasons to Spring Clean your Commercial Facility

There is something so bittersweet about deep cleaning your house every spring. It is a lot of work, and it can get worse before it gets better; however, the fresh feeling when it is done makes it all worth it.

You workplace should be undergoing the same process and achieving the same fresh feeling for yourself, visitors and staff. We have pulled together the 5 reasons you should be making spring-cleaning a priority at work too.

  1. Your floors will thank you

    Your floors take a lot of abuse through the winter months. Salt, dirt and moisture can leave long lasting damage if not treated afterwards – no matter the surface. Whether it is carpet extraction to get the grime from the base of the fibres or a strip and wax, this will go a long way in ensuring your floors stay looking great for years to come.

  2. Promotes a healthier workplace

    Flu season has come and gone, but germs may still linger. Doing a thorough cleaning of all surfaces can help remove the last of those germs. Dust and allergens have also had months to build up behind furniture and appliances.

  3. You get areas that rarely get cleaned

    We are venturing a guess when we say your walls aren’t getting wiped down every night.   Spring is a great time to get the areas that need to be cleaned, but are not often included in you daily or weekly maintenance schedule.

  4. Creates a better work environment

    When you get into deep cleaning, you will likely take the time to find homes for things that have been sitting out for some time. This tidying of workspaces and communal areas can help with productivity and promote a positive mind set.

  5. It good for your bottom line

    This one really ties the previous four all together. If your floors last longer, your employees are healthier and more productive, than it stands to reason your bottom line will be positively impacted.

  6. Bonus

    It just feels good!


No matter your reasoning, adding spring-cleaning to your list of business management activities certainly doesn’t have any downfalls.

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