Jani-King Sandbox

Keeping your office clean really does affect the bottom line

When you’re faced with mounting deadlines, a high volume of calls, customer satisfaction and everything in between, it’s no surprise that some of the less desirable tasks fall to the bottom of the checklist – including the appearance and cleanliness of your office space.

A Clean Office Affects Employee Productivity

We’ve all heard it a million times – in fact, we have multiple posts that speak to the impact that cleanliness has on first impressions – but there’s more to it than just that. An untidy, visibly dirty space has an impact on employee morale, which is directly correlated to productivity.

Three ways that a dirty office affects the bottom line of your business:

  1. Our work spaces are literally a second home – many of us spend at least 40 hours of our week there. If you’re surrounded by a mess (think piles of unorganized paper, overflowing garbage, dirty floors/windows/walls etc.) it’s very likely you find it hard to focus on the task at hand, which means, you got it – a significant drop in productivity.
  2. Regular deep cleaning services that address key problem areas such as washrooms, employee kitchens, reception areas and other high touch zones will assist in the removal of bacteria and other germs that contribute to workplace illness and employee absence.
  3. Air quality issues can also arise when you don’t have a proper cleaning program in place. When we all spend so much time inside it’s no surprise that the level of airborne pollutants is considerably higher indoors than it is outdoors. We feel so strongly about the importance of maintaining good air quality that we did a post all about the factors that contribute to poor air quality and how a cleaning program can help address them.

Take a minute and have a look around. When was the last time you had someone come in and do a thorough deep clean of your space?  There’s no better time than right now to book a consultation with one of our cleaning experts.

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