Jani-King Sandbox

What to do while practicing social distancing…

Did you just return from an international trip? Taking some time away from work? Maybe you’re just trying to do your part to flatten the curve… Whatever the reason, if you’re practicing social distancing, we’ve got activities to keep you occupied!

What to do while social distancing
After you get bored of scrolling through social media and binge-watching Netflix why not:
      • Go outdoors. Take the dog for a walk, go for a run, play in the backyard.
      • Exercise. The gym may be closed, but you can still get your workout in. Lots of fitness instructors are offering free classes online.
      • Cook. Whether you’re trying a new recipe or making a family favourite, be sure to use ingredients you already have.
      • Read. Dust off an old book, recite some poetry, or download an eBook.
      • Call someone. Reach out to a friend, family member, or neighbour. They’ll appreciate the kind act.
      • Relax. Current events are stressful. Unwind with meditation or a calming yoga practice.
      • Explore. Pack a picnic, hop in the car, and take in the sights of your hometown.
      • Reminisce. Take a stroll through memory lane by looking through old photos. Order prints online and start a new album if you haven’t done so recently.
      • Listen to music. Records, CDs, Spotify, virtual concerts. You choose.
      • Shop. While many stores are temporarily closed, several retailers are offering online shopping. Be sure to support local businesses when possible – in lieu of online shopping consider purchasing a gift card to use later or order take-out.
      • Play. Cards, board games, and puzzles make excellent distractions for all ages.
      • Clean. Get a head start on spring cleaning. Don’t forget to show your car some love too.
      • DIY. Tackle the projects you haven’t gotten around to yet. Paint a wall, put up a shelf, fix the leaky tap.
      • Learn. Listen to a Podcast, attend a webinar, enroll in an online course.
      • Organize. Clean out the junk drawer, sort through the Tupperware, and purge your closets. Set aside gently used items you’re no longer using and donate them when possible.
      • Be creative. Make a craft, play an instrument, sing and dance like nobody’s watching.
      • Spoil yourself. Set up a home spa and treat yourself to mani/pedis, facials, and bath bombs. You deserve it.
      • Seek positivity. Follow social media accounts that share uplifting content. Be sure you’re sharing positive content too; everyone is looking for happy news.

Staying informed on current events is important, but can become overwhelming. Finding balance is key. Take a break from the news. Put down your phone. Be present with your family. Appreciate what you have. Be kind.

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