Jani-King Sandbox

Thriving Together: Building Leadership and Culture Through Operations Success

Jani-King Canada Team Photo 2023

Jani-King Canada hosted their annual leadership conference which included an Operations Summit and General Meeting.  The three-day event, hosted in Winnipeg, focused on building relationships and operational success.  This was the first time in more than a decade that the country’s top leaders in Operations came together for training and development.

Networking and Collaboration

This year’s event format provided ample opportunities for networking and collaboration. Attendees engaged in lively discussions, breakout sessions, and workshops. The team also had the opportunity to listen and learn from a panel of customers and operations staff. These interactions fostered new ideas and partnerships that promise to be instrumental in our future growth.

Jani-King Canada’s long-time national supply partner, Wood Wyant, was on hand with their team of experts to demo new technology and products including the Unger Window Washing System, Unger Cleaning Services Carts, Pro-Team Vacuum Cleaners, Space Vac and more.

“ I have been personally coming to these meetings for many years, and this was by far the best experience.  It was great to see every Operations person and Regional Owner actively engaged.”Ted Looney, Jani-King International

The team shared insights into streamlining processes, optimizing supply programs, and enhancing customer experiences. These sessions were both informative and interactive, encouraging cross-departmental collaboration and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Leadership & Development

After a day and a half together, operations staff headed home and the Regional Owner leadership team spent the remaining time together focusing on marketing strategies and learning about the new initiatives happening at Jani-King International. The day wrapped with a teambuilding session focused on relationship leadership and building culture within the system in Canada.

Looking Ahead

“As we move forward, we are energized by the momentum generated during this gathering. The knowledge shared, the connections made, and the inspiration gained will undoubtedly propel us toward even greater success in the year ahead.” – Jani-King Canada Leadership Team

We extend our gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the AGM and Operations Summit. Together, we are poised to thrive and conquer new horizons in the ever-evolving franchise landscape.

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