Jani-King Sandbox

5 Must-Ask Questions for Starting Your Own Business

5-questions-before-starting-business-2Starting a business can be an exciting yet stressful time. Questions about how the new business will impact your family, financial situation and future are all on your mind.  The easiest way to get answers is to talk with a franchise company.  Many franchisors have been helping new businesses owners get started for decades, that’s what they do.  A good franchise company will be able to not only provide answers to all of your questions, but also provide contact information for other franchisees in their system so that you can talk with them directly about their experience.

Setting up a disclosure meeting is typically the first step in getting the answers you need to start your business.  During the disclosure, the franchisor will provide you details on their system, how revenue is generated and how royalties are paid based on the support and services of the franchisor.  Starting a business through a franchise company can be the easiest way to get your feet firmly planted and grow your business because they will provide you with a proven system and support.

Not sure what type of business you want to start? Ask yourself these 5 important questions;

  1. What am I passionate about?
  2. What new industries have I not considered?
  3. What opportunity provides long-term success?
  4. What business offers unlimited earning potential?
  5. What type of training and support will I get?

These are important questions because they will guide you to the right franchise opportunity. Take the commercial cleaning or janitorial industry for example. It may not be something you’ve ever considered, but thousands of people have found it to be the right business for them.  Commercial cleaning offers recurring revenue because customers need their businesses cleaned day after day, month after month. A typical cleaning contract with a customer lasts for three years and many for much longer based on the service provided.

The commercial cleaning industry is also a field where you don’t have to have experience or deep pockets going in. Franchisors, like Jani-King, offer a low-investment plan and training to get you started. They also take it a step further and provide ongoing training by industry experts if you want to take on managing the cleaning of a hotel, hospital or even stadium.

Having a big brand franchise company behind you that offers expert training, equipment programs and has a reputation in the industry for being the best will not only help you succeed in the future, it will help answer your questions before you even get started.  Remember, owning a business is a proven way to reach your financial goals and live the life you’ve dreamed of, just start by asking the right questions and you’ll be surprised on how easy it can really be to get started with your own business.

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