Jani-King Sandbox

The Importance of a Professional Floor Maintenance Program

There is no other surface in your building that takes the abuse that flooring does. You’ve made a large investment in quality flooring, but over time you notice its appearance slowly (or quickly) degrading.

3 telltale signs that your floors might be due for a quality strip and wax:

  1. You notice that even after your floors have been cleaned they still appear dirty.
  2. Your floors are being damaged because the protective coating of wax has worn down to the point that the raw flooring is exposed.
  3. People are experiencing slip and falls more regularly while visiting your building.

When Jani-King Franchise Owners arrived at a client facility they were greeted with floors that had been badly scratched by the tracking in of dirt and debris, as well as water stains and even standing water.

They quickly recommended that a quality strip and wax would not only instantly improve appearances; it would protect the floors longer-term. The team set to work deep cleaning the floors by removing dirt and stains along with what was left of the remaining wax. Once the floors were clean, they applied fresh coats of quality wax to restore their appearance and give added protection.  The end results speak for themselves!

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