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How a Business Cleaning Service Can Rescue Your Bottom Line

Studies show that cleanliness and a clean office environment play a vital role in worker productivity. For instance, the average office desk has over 400 times more germs than the bathroom toilet down the hall. Other surfaces such as light switches, keyboards, and microwave door handles share the same fate and can contain 10,000 germs per square inch.  However, it’s the typical office telephone that holds the record for the amount of germs with more than 25,000 bacteria per square inch. This is where a reputable business cleaning service can come in handy.

A professional business cleaning service employs their expertise to clean and disinfect your office, reducing bacteria levels up to 99.9 percent. As you know, bacteria and viruses can cause strep throat, flu, pneumonia, and more, and affect your bottom line through lost employee productivity. Your cleaning service can help you eliminate this problem.

Before the business cleaning company arrives, instruct your employees to remove clutter and personal items from their desks. While you’re at it, encourage your workers to keep personal items to a minimum; they’re a magnet for germs. Using best practices, the company’s cleaning crew disinfects the desk top and everything on it including phone, keyboard, coffee cup, and so on.

Cleaning companies often leave behind a quick list, detailing what an employee can do to keep his or her desk environment clean, such as using disinfectant wipes on the phones and keyboards, not eating at their desk, and washing their hands a couple of times a day, using soap and very warm water for at least 20 seconds at a shot.

It is well known that the power of a simple sneeze can spread a minefield of bacteria and viruses, up to a hundred yards in every direction. Employing a professional business cleaning service can directly impact yours and your employees’ health, reduce the amount of everyone’s sick days each year, and increase productivity by providing an environment everyone can clean master feel proud of and safe in.

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