Jani-King Sandbox

Franchisee Feature: Harish Kumar

Harish Kumar, Jani-King Eastern Ontario Franchise Owner

Meet Jani-King Franchise Owner Harish Kumar. Harish operates his commercial cleaning franchise in Eastern Ontario.

When did you start your Jani-King franchise?

I acquired my Jani-King franchise in October 2020 and received my first contract right after finishing my training. The process was very quick!

What interested you in the Jani-King system?

I have always wanted to run my own business so I could work according to my own schedule and be my own boss. Operating a Jani-King franchise gives me the flexibility to set my hours. Working part-time in my franchise leaves me time to help my wife.

What are your favourite aspects of being a Jani-King Franchise Owner?

Jani-King gives you flexibility to work on your own time/schedule. I love working in the cleaning business and make more profit from owning a franchise.

What are your favourite types of accounts?

I personally like small accounts as they don’t require extra help. I can complete small jobs by myself over the weekend or in the evening. I look forward to growing my business and working on bigger accounts.

What is something we might not know about you?

I work hard and I am willing to learn more about cleaning equipment and techniques.

Interested in learning more about the Jani-King Franchise Opportunity? Check out our FAQs or read more stories like Harish’s.

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