Jani-King Sandbox

Franchisee Feature: Luis Lopez

Luis Abreu

Meet new Jani-King Franchise Owner Luis Lopez. Luis operates his commercial cleaning franchise in Eastern Ontario.

When did you start your Jani-King franchise?

I bought my Jani-King franchise in May of 2021.

What interested you in the Jani-King system?

The flexibility and the ability to be my own boss made me in interested in the Jani-King system.

What are your favourite aspects of owning a Jani-King franchise?

I like the fact that I work for myself. I don’t have to worry about losing hours because I set my own.

What are your favourite types of accounts? 

I personally like cleaning office accounts.

What is something we might not know about you? 

I am a hard worker and I take my job very seriously.

Welcome to the Jani-King family, Luis! We wish you all the best with your new franchise.

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