Jani-King Sandbox

Jani-King of Eastern Ontario Congratulates Austin Rye on Scholarship Award

Jerry Silveira, Regional Director of Jani-King of Eastern Ontario, presents scholarship award to Austin Rye.

Austin Rye
Jerry Silveira, Regional Director of Jani-King of Eastern Ontario, presents scholarship award to Austin Rye.

The Jani-King of Eastern Ontario team would like to congratulate Austin Rye, son of Franchise Owners Denise and Keith Rye, on his scholarship award. Austin is enrolled in the Bachelor of Management & Organizational Studies Program at the University of Western Ontario.

“My parents bought their Jani-King franchise in Peterborough in 2019,” explains Austin. “My dad still works fulltime in his career managing staff and renewable energy projects. My mom works in her healthcare food sales career. It has been exciting to work with them and help with the business. I see their hard work, commitment to their staff and clients and not least of all their time management skills as they juggle careers and owning a growing business! Receiving the Jani-King Scholarship Award will help me with the cost of university as I begin the path to become a Chartered Professional Accountant.”

“Austin is a great student, athlete and volunteer in his community,” says Jerry. “The values he’s learned while playing high-level hockey will serve him well in the future. I am proud to present him with the Jani-King Scholarship Award. On behalf of the entire Jani-King team, we wish you all the best with your academic endeavours.”

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