Every year awards are issued to regions in acknowledgement of their success. The awards are divided into five categories and honour the best in sales, service, and compliance.
And the winners are…
Maintenance Contract Sales
Account Executive with the highest gross volume of contract sales
Regional Director/Master Franchisor with the highest personal contract sales

Sean Earle (Ottawa)
Missing from photo

William Cole (Manitoba)
Franchise Sales
The region with the highest number of franchise sales in their category
Category I
Up to $200,000 in volume
Category II
$200,000-$399,999 in volume
Category III
Over $400,000 in volume

Vancouver Island

Northern Alberta

Customer Service
The region with the lowest cancellation rate in their category
Category I
Up to $200,000 in volume
Category II
$200,000-$399,999 in volume
Category III
Over $400,000 in volume

Northern British Columbia

New Brunswick/PEI

Increase in Overall Volume
Silver Club $400,000-$499,999

Vancouver Island

Eastern Ontario
Gold Club

Vancouver Fraser Valley
Diamond Club $650,000-$999,999

President’s Club
