Meet Jani-King Franchise Owner Denver Isidro. Denver recently celebrated his first year owning a commercial cleaning business in Nova Scotia.
Denver moved to Nova Scotia from the Philippines in 2013 to peruse a job opportunity in Halifax. Fast forward eight years, he decided to start a Jani-King franchise to provide extra income for his wife Junalyn and their three children.
Recognized for size, stability and leadership in the commercial cleaning industry, Jani-King is one of the fastest growing franchise systems in the world. This, paired with ongoing training and support from the Regional Office, made Jani-King an appealing opportunity to Denver.
Since launching his franchise in February 2021, it has expanded to include two employees. “We are very happy to see Denver’s franchise growing,” says Ed McNamara, President and Regional Director of Jani-King of Nova Scotia. “He’s been a great addition to the Nova Scotia team of franchisees!”
This year, Denver was one of three lucky Franchise Owners to win a backpack vacuum from the Jani-King Canada Brand Contest. We hope this prize helps Denver continue to provide exceptional service to his clients.