Meet Gurpreet Gill, a dedicated Franchise Owner in Edmonton, Alberta. Starting her Jani-King Franchise this past April, she has proven that she will flourish as a business owner. Gurpreet took a few minutes to share her Jani-King story as she approaches her one-year anniversary as a business owner.
What made you want to start your own business?
I wanted to be my own boss so I could spend more time with my family and earn a good living for myself. This past April, one of my relatives works with Jani-King and she inspired me to look into the franchise opportunity.
How has your business evolved since starting it in April?
Since I have started my business it has improved everyday. I have learned so many new things and am still learning.
What advice do you have for other Jani-King franchise owners and prospective franchise owners?
Just work hard and be honest about whatever you are doing.
What advice do you have for other Jani-King franchise owners and prospective franchise owners?
Just work hard and be honest about whatever you are doing.
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